Monday, October 13, 2008

Wholly Terror

One of my biggest concerns: can the dog and Mother-in-law co-exist? Don't get me wrong, they get along great and are good companions to each other. The problem is the dog: he is very protective. I never put it together before, but "terriers" are territorial--duh.

So anyone who enters his space receives a welcome/warning of incessant barking that can endure for hours on end. I'm surprised the neighbors haven't "had him arrested" or "taken him out".

With the parade of would-be home health care providers being interviewed during the past week, the little beast has had ample opportunity to practice his "greeting". I'm to the point where I'm seriously thinking about him needing to find a new place to live.

Until this morning. She was disguised as a nurse, but she is a dog whisperer. Quiet. peace. Calm.

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