Saturday, October 11, 2008

Feeling Rotten

The past three nights have been rough and I'm feeling rather rotten this morning. Not to be a complainer, I think I just overdid it Thursday and Friday with the running of errands, cooking and doing the dishes, and grocery shopping, etc.

This morning, per the surgeon's instructions, was the first day to change the dressings and get a shower. The "reveal" uncovered nine silver Frankenstein-esque staples across a still-swollen belly that bears evidence of recent "manscaping" in preparation for the surgery.

I have cleared the schedule to have a day of rest. I gave up trying to go to a Men's Breakfast at church this morning; will bow out of the fundraiser event this afternoon and have canceled the movie date-night with Kim this evening.

I'm hoping to go strong Sunday morning...Sunday afternoon and evening will be "wait and see" at this point.

The other big heartbreak (aside from not going to the movie with Kim): Next weekend's kayak campout with the guys is a "no-go" for me. I can't see kayaking at this point. So today is kick back and rest like I should have, but didn't do, the past couple of days.


Anonymous said...

Belly incisions the likes of that one will hurt for awhile, unfortunately. I hope you're staying ON TOP of your pain medicine. Seriously. Take it as directed, even when it doesn't hurt. It will help you heal faster, believe it or not!!!

I think surgeries can be so misleading. For smaller outpatient procedures, we are often led to believe that things will be fine in just a few days. So we go in with those kinds of expectations and try to get back to our normal routines as fast as possible. I have had this problem with all 3 of my "minor" knee surgeries.

The bottom line is, surgery HURTS. They jack with your body and it takes time to bounce back. I often estimate that for every hour you were under anesthesia, you'll have at least a month before you even start feeling completely like yourself again. Just my two cents.

Now go take your pain meds. :)

Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Soon-To-Be-Nurse Caroline

"pastor" Jim Thompson said...

Caroline, Thanks for the advice. Taking my vicodin as I type. A month recovery for every hour under anesthesia -- wow!!

I'm really regretting being so busy the past couple of days :(


Brian said...

I love the word "manscaping."

It's really hard to take it easy after something like this - at least for me. I get cabin fever and bored stiff from watching too much bad television, which leads me to getting up and doing too much.

Just remember to rest and let others take care of you for once, and you'll be back to normal in no time!