Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Almost like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, we are part coward and part daredevil. The coward is constantly whispering, Better safe than sorry. The daredevil is whispering, Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I asked God a dangerous question: "What do you want me to do with my life?" (By the way, the only thing more dangerous than asking that question is not asking that question).

~ Mark Batterson, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day


Was said...

My friend, I have been asking that question lately. I have been so wrapped up with my future being about my job. I realized that is not quite what Christ has called me to do. I have been trained to be a teacher, but I know that God has a more important message for me. I look forward to continuing the journey and excited about what Christ has for me next year and the years after that.

"pastor" Jim Thompson said...

Keep Asking
keep Seeking
Keep Knocking.

What a journey!