Because of my position as pastor I tend to keep my political views close to the vest. Most of my Democratic friends think I'm a Republican, and my Republican friends think I'm a Democrat. I like to challenge the values (and behavior) of both parties and contrast them to the Way of Jesus and his political solutions. I would never insult my congregants' intelligence by telling them for whom to vote, but encourage them to do their research, think for themselves and vote their convictions; and VOTE. It's not only a privilege, but a patriotic duty.
My friend John e-mailed me at 10:52 last night proclaiming "Palin proves that she has what it takes to run the government!!!!!!! Sure wish she could debate Obama as she debates at least as well as him!!!!"
She did a good job. She not only met, but exceeded expectations, which were pretty low to begin with considering all the negative press and comedic mocking she received in recent weeks. Her strategy was evident: deliver your talking points and pivot to an attack on Barack Obama - regardless of what the moderator is asking.
Joe Biden did what he needed to do as well. He never seemed arrogant, condescending or chauvinistic. He didn't drone on endlessly and never put his foot in his mouth. More importantly, Mr Biden did what he came to do - make a clear case against John McCain. He also did a good job and made a strong case for his and Obama's positions on the issues.
I live in one of those handful of "battleground states" or "swing states" that could be crucial in determining the outcome of this election. Our area has a huge military population and tends to vote Republican. When the local newspaper polled readers online as to "who won the vice presidential debate on Thursday night?" the results looked like this:
Sen Joe Biden: 78% (5829 votes), Gov. Sarah Palin: 22% (1651 votes)
I agree that they both did a good job. I was a little disappointed in Palin's diversions in the beginning. It seemed like she didn't want to talk about the chosen topic a few times.
One commentator on CNN after the big show gave a chill-inducing scenario. She recalled how on 9/11 when we were being attacked and Bush was flying around in AF1, that Dick Cheney was the one sitting in Washington making the decision about whether or not to shoot down passenger airliners. She asked us to imagine Palin or Biden in that position and see which one we'd prefer making those kinds of decisions.
Scary thought, huh?
I agree. In that scenario, and of those two people, I'd rather have Joe (can I call him Joe?) making the decisions.
"Can I call him Joe" reminded me of how much I immediately like Sarah when she walked out last night. She seemed like a really nice person and it was easy to like her and (almost) root for her.
I don't think we've seen the last of Mrs. Palin... no matter what happens in November. She'll probably be on the political stage for quite some time.
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