Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My First Surgery

I had surgery Wednesday morning for a ventral hernia located just above my navel. It has been there for several years, unsightly but painless. It's been bothering me lately so I finally decided to have it repaired.

Here's the TMI portion for some of you, but the best part for those of you who like all the gory details (Hi, Caroline!):
Often, this type of hernia is painless, but may be tender and can cause discomfort during any type of physical strain, such as lifting heavy objects, coughing, or straining during bowel movements. The bulge may disappear when lying down, and be more visible when standing up. Symptoms include pain, which may be a sharp or dull ache that feels worse towards the end of the day. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and the inability to have a bowel movement. Continuous or severe discomfort, or nausea related to the bulge are signs that the hernia may be entrapped or strangulated. If you have these symptoms, be sure to contact your physician immediately.

The video below shows the laparoscopic procedure for repairs. I went old school, with an incision several inches long, push the tissue back through the opening in the muscles, and put a mesh patch underneath the muscles so it doesn't (hopefully) pop back through at a later date.

Check in was at 6am with the surgery scheduled for 7:30. All went according to plan except a smaller incision than previously planned (yea!) but a longer recovery time than usual. I could not wake up!! I was feeling a little nauseated, and no one wanted me heaving just moments after the incision and stitches--least of all, me! The medicine they gave me to alleviate the nausea--you guessed it-- made me sleepy.

I hear I was in rare form, comedically speaking, and kept the recovery staff cracking up. I don't recall this, but apparently at one point "The Boys Are Back in Town" was playing over the sound system and I was accompanying with my air guitar, lavender gown, and surgery socks. Why no one got a picture is beyond me. I suspect they kept me doped up on purpose just to get a few more laughs.

I vaguely and groggily heard the nurse saying that if I didn't wake up they would put me in a room and keep me over night. Not happening!!! I willed myself awake long enough to get dressed and get wheeled down to the loading zone.

Once seatbelted into the van I was out like a light. Between me and my Mother-in-law our home looks like a hospital ward. I slept most of the afternoon, enjoying the effects of the vicodin. I'll have to take it easy for a few days--no lifting anything over 4 pounds--and hopefully get a good report when I check in with the doctor next week.

Let me just say, my wife is incredible!!!! What a saint!!! What a blest, but sore, man I am!


Brian said...

My father suffered with this type of hernia for years. His first surgery was in his teens and he had two more in later years. They finally got it right the last time - by putting in the mesh. However, it had gotten so bad by that time that it was starting to block normal function of his bowels and his belly button had to be completely removed.

So glad that things went well. Sounds like you were a hoot in recovery! Surely someone whipped out a cell phone and recorded your impromptu performance!!

Stay well and give your wife lots of kisses for being so wonderful.

"pastor" Jim Thompson said...

Wow! That's bad. Glad they finally got him mended, although he's got that KYLE XY thing going on without a navel. Hopefully this is my first and last. The past three days have been rotten.

Darla said...

Umm wow, your family has logged some SERIOUS time at hospitals lately.

Hope you are feeling better.