Friday, April 24, 2009

My Band of Brothers

I am loving this journey with God! It’s not always easy—every day having more hidden crud in the recesses of my heart dredged up and dealt with-- but there is nothing better than enjoying His presence and counsel every day. Killing off old habits and breaking free of destructive attitudes… learning to live loved and love others. Freedom rocks!

Spiritual formation rarely happens in large group settings--which makes me wonder why we insist on "doing church" the way we do--room full of people, one guy doing most of the talking. Uggh.

I am grateful to have a handful of brothers with whom I am sharing this journey. Whether we are
sharing the silence and solitude of paddling down a river, or sharing a meal together, or hanging out at the ballpark--it is so life-giving to have a small group of trusted friends.

We get together regularly just to share life-- our struggles and joys, talking about books we're reading together, sharing the challenges of being husbands and dads.
Everyone needs what a group like this can offer.

We are heading into the wild this weekend--paddling to the campsite, hiking, cooking over an open flame--can't wait. Counting the hours.

This is my walk with God--it's personal and unique. But at times I walk alongside others who are on their own journey, and those times are great! I love the way Father uses others to help get me where He wants me to be.

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