Friday, April 3, 2009

If You Are...

"If you are... the Son of God... then prove it: by turning these stones to bread or by jumping off the highest point of the temple and letting your angels catch you." That was the tempter's taunting when Jesus fasted in the wilderness just prior to beginning his public ministry. (Matthew 4)

"If you are... the Messiah, the Son of God..., then tell us!" That was the demand of the high priest before whom Jesus stood trial. (Matthew 26)

"If you are... the Son of God... then come down from the cross!" They chided him, casting insults at him, as he was suspended, humiliated and naked, between two common thieves. (Matthew 27)

"If you are... able... then help us." This was the plea of an anguished father whose mute, convulsive demon-possessed son once again fell victim to the spirits that tortured him. (Mark 9)

People were always demanding that Jesus prove it, tell them, help them... if he was who he claimed to be. Things are not much different today.

Jesus always did. He proved who he was...

sometimes by giving people exactly that for which they asked: plainly answering their questions, provoking even more hatred... healing the one imprisoned in misery...

At other times he did not give what was demanded, but the answer he gave spoke in even more astounding power about his true identity. He answered the tempter, not by giving in to his demands, but by resisting him... he answered his executioners, not by removing himself from the cross, but by rising from the dead!!

If you are...???

Since you are... more than able... The Messiah... the Son of God...

I will trust you...

I will serve you...

I will love you...

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