Wednesday, May 30, 2007

May 30: Humor and Grace

Verse to Ponder today:
…We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. (Romans 5:1-2)

My friend Jim was taken to the hospital last night. It’s his back…again. He is in a lot of pain. Jim is known for his sense of humor. He is the class clown; always ready with his quick wit, broad smile and mischievous twinkling eyes to bring the room to tears and sore bellies with all the laughter he elicits.

In spite of the back spasms and off-the-charts pain he still cracks jokes with the doctors and nurses. His self-deprecating humor is disarming and endearing. Humor and grace. Jim is full of humor and grace. A unique combination of those qualities is rare and special. To have more of both in my own life and treatment of others is a worthy goal. Humor and grace will get you a long way down the road.

~ Father, thank you for the way you gift your children with special qualities—all the good ones are a reflection of your character. Thank you for the way you bless me through others’ gifts. Amen.

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