Friday, May 18, 2007

May 18: Winsome Witnesses

Jesus was liked by people who were nothing like him. As Christ-followers we should be winsome and attractive representatives of Jesus. Jesus had a way of drawing to himself those people that the religious leaders of the day kept at arm’s length.

I just met someone who, except that we share the same first name, is nothing like me. James prides himself on being a highly opinionated (okay, we have that in common), non-religious, liberal, homosexual living in the Bible-belt (okay, we’re both guys who live in the Bible-belt).

James isn’t a Christian and doesn’t have much use for those who are, which is what makes our friendship so unusual. To give you an idea of where he’s coming from, James posted a blog on Tuesday celebrating the death of Jerry Falwell. Ouch! Some would say he is mean and often mean-spirited. Some would say he’s a jerk. But he's a lovable jerk.

One of the biggest jerks I ever met was a college senior who was so obnoxiously arrogant I couldn’t stand him. But since the jerk was me I didn’t have much choice but to hang around him all the time. How do we handle people who are nothing like us and hard to get along with? We are called to embrace them and love them like Jesus does. Jesus didn’t avoid the unlovable people, He was magnetized to them. He gave his life for them…for me:

“God demonstrates his own love for us in this way, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

While I was still so unlovely and unlovable, Jesus died for me. Jesus died for you, too, and all your unlovely-ness. When we are consistently follow the Way of Jesus we will be known as “a friend of sinners” like He was.

~ Father, help me to attract and not repel those you most want to reach with your message of reconciliation and freedom. Make me an instrument of Your peace. Amen.

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