Friday, March 14, 2008

A Worthy Cause

Millions of people on the planet have no shoes and 98% of them are children. The leading cause of illness and loss of legs & feet in children is ring worm and other diseases obtained by walking barefoot through nasty water, etc.
One organization seeking to address this problem is Soles4Souls.

We found out about this group while in Virginia Beach this weekend for the Shamrock Marathon (my wife and daughter will be in the 8k (4.97 miles) on Saturday and I'll be in the Half-Marathon (13.1 mile) Race Walk on Sunday).

Just a reminder of how blessed we are and how often we take things like shoes and clean water for granted--and how I need to do more to help my global neighbors who don't have it as easy as I do.


Darla said...

Can't wait to hear how it goes for you!

Hope your wife and daughter have a fun time as well.

And remember, pace, pace, pace...


Brian said...

That is an important issue. Thanks for sharing it with us.

I hope you have a great day tomorrow! Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

You're running as I type this!! Go, Pastor, Go!!!!

And enjoy your beer afterwards...guilt free. Can't wait to hear how it went!