Saturday, March 22, 2008

Death and Taxes

Had a visit with the friendly IRS folks at the Federal Building in a nearby metropolis. They say we owe some back taxes. I usually do my own taxes, but sought the advice of a professional after receiving the letter from the IRS. According to our tax preparer I have overpaid them each of the last 20 years or so. So we're back and forth, trying to get it all sorted out. Ironic that this occurred on "Good Friday"--execution day.

It's a sad day. Six years ago today my dad passed away. He was 66 at the time. I miss him soooo much. I heard his voice last Sunday during the race. As I turned onto the boardwalk on the oceanfront, with about a quarter-mile to go, finish line in site, I swear I heard my dad's voice, "You did it! That a boy! I'm so proud of you!!" So I finished the race with tears rolling down my cheeks and a big grin on my face.

My weight had been a concern to my dad. He was so afraid I would end up like him and checking out way before my time. He would have been thrilled to see me, 75 pounds lighter, finishing a 13 mile race. I was expecting it to be physically taxing (pun intended) but the emotions caught me off guard, blindsided me.

Anyway, Friday was a tough day in more ways than one.


Brian said...

If you overpaid the IRS for 20 years, do you get a refund? I hope so.

That story about hearing your dad's voice was very touching.

Sorry I didn't get to read this sooner. I don't trust Google Reader anymore.

"pastor" Jim Thompson said...

We can only go back three years and do amended returns--so we'll see how it all shakes out.

Google reader is not to blame. I've been away and trying to catch up on blogging, post-dating some entries.


Darla said...

I am having the same problem with google reader - tonight 9 blog posts of yours showed up in my reader and it was "clear" yesterday. *sigh*

Back on topic. I'm so beyond proud of you!!! And those emotions'll catch ya off guard EVERY time. That's when you know what you are feeling is "real" and "true".

I'm not a gamblin woman, but I'll bet your dad is looking down upon you saying "well done good and faithful servant, I'm proud of ya boy".