Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July 31: Called Out

I know a Christian insurance agent who helps clients who have suffered loss by not only helping with their physical and financial, but by offering encouragement and spiritual help as well. A friend of mine who works at one of the local shipyards leads a lunchtime Bible study and is a great source of spiritual wisdom and counsel for his co-workers. I know a lady who led a friend of hers to faith in Jesus through conversations they had as they shared a common interest in ceramics and pottery making.

As Christians we should constantly be on the lookout for opportunities to be "on mission" together--partnering with other believers to share God's story. We should use our vocations, hobbies, interests and community activities as a platform for meeting needs like Jesus did.

Let’s follow the example of Priscilla and Aquila:
"Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome. Paul went to see them, and because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them. Every Sabbath he reasoned in the synagogue, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks. (Acts 18:1-4)

They used their trade not only as a source of income, but more importantly as a way to build relationships to share the gospel. The used their home as a meeting place for the church. Even when they suffered persecution and had to relocate, they strategically chose a place that would give them ample opportunity to share the good news about Jesus.

Priscilla and Aquila were "on mission" wherever they went, making their home and business a place of ministry and partnering with other believers to share the gospel. They risked their lives and relocated in order to have optimal ministry opportunities.

How can you use your vocation, interests, hobbies and community activities as platforms to serve others and share the story of Jesus? Are there other Christians in those places with whom you can partner to pray, serve and tell others about Jesus?

The word church literally mean the "called out ones"; not a group huddled in a building isolated from a hurting world; Not trapped behind stained-glass so they can't see out and no one can see in. As we are going about our daily lives; working, playing, shopping...Christians are to always be following the Way of Jesus. Everywhere, with unlimited potential, we should look to build relationships and love people to God.

It’s not about living AT church, but living AS church.