Thursday, July 19, 2007

July 18: Abundant Life

Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) What is Jesus really offering here? When I listen to the ‘prosperity preachers’ on TV I get the feeling that material wealth is a sign of God’s blessing—He wants to bless us “abundantly” with good health, a nice house, a new car, well-behaved children, etc.

What about those who struggle financially, or with health difficulties, or with wayward children. Some would say we suffer as a consequence to some un-confessed sin, or that God hasn’t answered was prayer for abundance because the pray-er lacks faith.

When Jesus said He came to give “abundant life” it is important to understand what He was really saying. One of my favorite authors, John Fischer, points out that in the original language the word “abundant” is a superlative for the word “life”. Jesus was saying, “If you follow my Way you are going to get more of what life has to offer.

Not just the good stuff, but all of life; more laughter and more heartache, more friends and more betrayal, more answers and more questions, more supporters and more critics. Following Jesus causes life to be intensified, magnified and multiplied—not just the blessings, but the struggles. With more to handle it becomes even more imperative that we seek His advice and guidance, His counsel and consolation.

In some ways following Jesus makes life easier, and in some ways being serious about following Jesus’ Way makes life more difficult. I have found it to be the greatest of adventures; this listening and following, never knowing what you’ll be asked to do next, or what’s around the next corner.

The next time you find life really tough, don’t get angry at God. He said we could have life in abundance, and sometimes that is more than we can handle or juggle. That drives us to our knees in prayer and drives us to our Heavenly Father for wisdom. There’s not better place to be.

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