Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mar. 22: Meeting the (Glocal) Neighbors

In the metropolitan area in which I live there reside people for all over the planet. Within a 40-mile-radiuus of my home there are people who were born in 71 countries other than the good ol’ U. S. of A. The world is at our doorstep. The songwriter had it right many years ago; “It’s a small world after all.”

Someone coined the phrase “glocal” to describe our global community that lives locally. We were recently challenged to begin playing a game of sorts: for the next thirty days we are going to try to meet as many people from different countries as we can. In my postal zip code alone there are people from 18 different countries of origin.

The goal is to meet our glocal neighbors—get out of comfort zone, start some conversations and make some new friends. The labels “legal” and “illegal” are of no relevance as we play this game—we’re not checking for green cards. As Christ-followers we want to follow Jesus’ teaching to love our neighbor as ourselves. How can I love my neighbor if I don’t know my neighbor?

So far I’ve met new friends from the Philippine Islands, South Africa, China, Dominican Republic, Germany, Great Britain and Mexico; a small world, indeed. And I’ve found that we have much in common—we want the best for our children and often worry about their well-being, we are concerned with our health and struggle with finances. We don’t always see eye-to-eye with our spouses.

The question that really gets some good conversations started is, “What do you do to keep yourself fresh spiritually?” I’ve gotten all kinds of answers and been able to share about my belief in, and relationship with, the living Jesus.

The resurrected Jesus told those first Christ-followers, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 (NIV) How do we respond when people from ‘the ends of the earth’ move into our neighborhood? I am excited about finding them, getting to know them and telling them about the difference Jesus makes in my life.

~ Father, let my fascination and faith override my timidity and indifference as I seek to share your love with my glocal neighbors. Amen.

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