Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ruby (for Mother's Day)

She had always wanted to be an actress
but she kept her career at home,
Playing out a cast of thousands
with not one to call her own.

For her husband she was Bathsheba,
Florence Nightingale for the kids,
For the neighbors she was the only one
who always had the time to give.

And when the rouge came off
at the end of the day
No one heard her say:

Lord, I want to be a ruby for you
and feel your pleasure in all that I do,
but I need some help on this weary way
'cause I don't think I can be
Super Woman one more day.

Who can find a virtuous woman?
Like rubies her value is high;
The heart of her husband does trust her
and on her rely.

She speaks with words of wisdom
gives life with acts of kindness
she eats not the bread of idleness
and her children call her blessed.

(Second verse)
Her husband grew tired of Bathsheba
and left to find a Monroe.
Her children grew up and grew wiser
too wise to need help to grow.

Sometimes her neighbors go see her
perform on a local stage,
And they say to themselves as they exit,
"Poor Ruby sure is showing her age."

But at night all alone
as she climbs up the stairs
she remembers her prayer:

Lord, I want to be a ruby for you
and feel your pleasure in all that I do,
but I need some help on this weary way
'cause I don't think I can be
Super Woman one more day.

No I don't think I can be
Super Woman one more day.

I heard this song some 25 years ago and it stuck with me. At the time I was a young adult who had just left home and my parents were divorcing after 23 years of marriage. It reminded me of my Mom and how she has always been so giving and loving to everyone in her life.

Happy Mother's Day to Mom... and all the other "Rubies" out there.

(I do not know the author of the lyrics, but if anyone does please let me know so I can give them proper credit. Thanks.)


Unknown said...

The song that you're referencing is "Ruby" by Cynthia Clawson from her album, "Forever". It's presently out of print, but you can purchase the MP3 version from Cynthia's website at

"pastor" Jim Thompson said...

Thanks, Michael. I hope some other folks will check out Cynthia's music-- good stuff!