Thursday, May 7, 2009

God's Favor

I often hear Christians talk about trying to attain God's "favor", even competing with each other for it... seeking to be the "most spiritual" in the group.

So here is the secret...

How do you get the favor of God? You’ve got it. You’re His child. You’ve already got His favor. He doesn’t favor one child over another, otherwise Christ died for nothing.

You don’t have to serve, or out-serve others, in order to get His favor.

I’ve seen families where the children are constantly competing for the attention and affection of their parents. I've seen children who were unsuccessful in this endeavor and resort to "bad" and even dangerous behavior. After all, negative attention is better than no attention at all.

At the playground, kids on monkeybars, “Daddy, look at me!” In the Church: “Father are you looking? I did something good."

God is constantly watching. He loves you. You have His favor. You don’t have to work for His attention or affection.

1 comment:

MaryMartha said...

I appreciate your thoughtful and honest insights. You are very brave to share them here too--thanks! MM