Monday, February 25, 2008

I Knew it was Coming...


Anonymous said...

Good for you, Jim! Seriously...even Pastors get a day off now and then, don't they? How incredible rude of those members of the congregation who are chastizing you. It kind of goes against the very reason people go to church, doesn't it? Ironical.

Best of luck to you during your race!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes! I think you have definitely earned a beer or two, I don't care what religion you are.

"pastor" Jim Thompson said...

Thanks for the support and well-wishes! I'm looking forward to it. Just to clarify--it was NOT a member of my congregation, but a neighbor-friend who took issue.

Most the folks at my church seem disappointed that "I'm only walking" instead of running--I assure them, it's harder than it looks :)


Anonymous said...

OH FOR GOODNESSAKE! God isn't just about Sunday morning service. Ya don't score extra points for showin up (even if you ARE the pastor).

I am ROARING about the people in the smoking section (and you KNOW I don't smoke) and you KNOW WHY I'm ROARING!

I've come to figure out people in the "smoking section" of life actually know how to socialize, treat people right and have a BLAST doing it - not to mention they know all the words to some pretty cool songs and they're willing to teach you.


Pastor J - YOU ROCK...errrr I mean SMOKE!! Don't let anyone tell you you don't.

Brian said...

Have I told you lately that you're awesome???

I love this post and think it's wonderful that you are unwilling to let the ridiculous views of your neighbor influence your decision to enter this race.

I must admit to finding the chant from your early years a little funny, but I can certainly relate to having a strict upbringing and I know that it was often no laughing matter.

Good luck with the race!!

The Nester said...

hI, new here--found you from FREE...

Love the part where you said you'd repent from being religious and not relevant.

Wish I could skip church too and cheer you on!

"pastor" Jim Thompson said...

Thanks for dropping by, and thanks for the words of encouragement!