Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Pledge to President-elect Obama

Dear Mr. President-elect Obama:

Congratulations on your hard-fought victory and election to our nation's highest office, and becoming the leader of the free world.

I want you to know that I will be praying for you. Not praying against you, or about you, but for you. That is both my pledge, and my obligation as a follower of Christ. In the Bible, the apostle Paul writes, "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

And I will do so with a full and undivided heart.

I will be praying for you from my position as a father of two children, and God willing, future grandchildren; that you will have the foresight to think through what your decisions will mean for them as the next generation.

I will be praying for you as a citizen of the United States; that you will seek wisdom from God and humbly submit yourself to His leadership as you lead our nation through economic turbulence, domestic divides, and cultural diversities.

I will be praying for you as a member of the global population; that you will work with other well-intentioned leaders from around the world as we face environmental challenges, wars and rumors of wars, and humanitarian crises.

And finally, I will be praying for you as a Christian; that you will encourage faith in God to flourish and never allow deeply held spiritual convictions to become a matter of ridicule, instead encouraging everyone to grant them a respectful hearing, even if they go against the political policy of your party.

You have inherited more that needs immediate attention than any other president in recent memory. As a result, it has been a hard-fought and hotly contested election. I will pray for you as you lead all who cast a ballot in your favor, and those who did not, to set aside their differences, no matter how deep the divides may be, and work together for our common good.

I will be praying for you.

Pastor Jim Thompson

Adapted from an article by James Emery White. Scripture reference: I Timothy 2:1-2, New International Version.


Brian said...

This is beautiful.

Unknown said...


Patty said...

great post

"pastor" Jim Thompson said...

Thank you, all. It was not original with me, but I liked it and "tweaked" it a little to fit the current situation.

MaryMartha said...

This is a good prayer guide to keep before us. I hope you will send it to president-elect Obama and tell him that you have readers joining you. MM

MaryMartha said...

Hi Pastor Jim,
May I make 20 or so copies of this post to distribute to my Sunday School class sometime between now and Jan 20? Maybe I should have the original source of the James White article too, if you have it available. Thanks. MM