My mother-in-law had open heart surgery last Thursday--a triple by-pass. She was moved out of ICU on Sunday and came home Wednesday (yesterday). Wednesday night around 7pm the 911 call was placed as she became unconscious and non-responsive. CAT scans, blood tests, consultations with neurologists...
She is in ICU, apparently having suffered a stroke on her right side.
Please keep Peggy C. in your prayers as the doctors seek to determine the extent of the damage and the next course of action.
So sorry you guys are going through this! I will say prayers for Peggy.
So sorry to hear all this...I'll keep you in my thoughts. Keep us posted.
9pm Thursday: it was just confirmed that she definitely had a stroke in the left part of her brain which effects the right side of her body. She has no use of her right arm or leg, unable to speak or swallow. They will not do any more tests until Monday when the doc has ordered another CATscan.
Thank you all for your concern, well-wishes, prayers and positive thoughts. Her whole life changed instantly--this strong, independent woman who raised her children as a single mom and lived alone, is now completely helpless and unaware of what is happening to her. It is so sad.
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