Monday: I have had several ambulance rides, but this was my first one while conscious.

I was escorting my mother-in-law from the (physical) rehab center to the hospital for some testing. It was a different perspective. On the return trip with a different crew the driver made me ride shotgun. He stopped allowing ride-alongs in the back after hitting a deer and sending everyone flying around. While watching TV in the hospital waiting room I was touched by young
Miss Emily Bear's performance on the Ellen Degeneres show.
Tuesday: I really felt badly for the astronaut on the international space station who
lost the $100,000 tool bag. I lost a favorite hat once--great sentimental value. A gift from my granddad. I was five years old... and cried for a whole day. I lost a kid once--but found her within about 15 minutes--scariest moments of my entire life.
Wednesday: celebrated my Mother-in-law's birthday. It was a little different, partying in a

rehab center, but she enjoyed a special meal, a beautiful cake, cards and gifts from family and friends, and she had her children and one of her grandchildren on hand for the festivities. News that she has a pretty
nasty infection put a little damper on the party.
Thursday: Attended a Leadership Prayer Breakfast with the mayors from 5 cities in the Norfolk, VA metropolitan area, honoring police, firefighters and military personnel. The keynote speaker was H. Wayne Huizenga, Jr., one of the owners of the Miami Dolphins football team--very inspiring.

That evening at a local Bar-B-Q joint, sitting at a booth near our table, was televangelist and former Presidential candidate
Pat Robertson. Kim made me behave, bite my tongue, and let him and his wife enjoy their dinner... and so did we.
Well if you can say one thing about it, it certainly wasn't boring! I haven't been on the blog site in quite a while--I actually had quite an ordeal trying to remember my own password! But I'm glad that I rediscovered it, especially as a means of keeping contact with you!
If you ever wanted to check out my thoughts and questions and possibly lead me in the right direction (or give me insight to understanding the wrong one), here's the address for my blog:
Good to hear from you, PJ, even if it is only in typed words!
Josh!!! Welcome! I'm glad you rediscovered this spot. I'd love to check out you site, and add it to my blogroll. Yea!! Serendipity-doo-dah!
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