By Scott Walker, adapted from Daily Guideposts, 1993.
Last night I found myself struggling to stay awake as I drove my two young sons to our annual camping trip. “Daddy, which should you love more, a turtle or a rock?” I heard a little voice blurt out.
My first reaction was to ask eight-year-old Luke, “What in the world are you talking about?” Then that sixth sense clicked on. Listen you foolish man. Something important has been said.
Still puzzled, I didn’t answer right away. Then, slowly, lights began to dawn. “Are you asking me whether it is better to love something that is alive, like a turtle, or something that is not alive, like a rock?”
“Yeah, Daddy,” Luke shot back with the joy of having me understand, “that’s what I mean.”
“Why, of course it is better to love a turtle,” I told him. “It’s always better to love people and animals more than things.”
“I thought so too,” Luke murmured with a sense of pride as he drifted back to sleep.
Chuckling to myself, I eased back into the silence of the night. Thanks to Luke I was now wide awake, grappling with his question. I’ve certainly spent time, energy, and money on loving “rocks” of all shapes and sizes, but I’m going to start concentrating more on the turtles in my life—starting with the two in the backseat of the van.
Pastor Jim,
I have 5 turtles and 6 grand-turtles. Sometimes they say the most amazing things. Kind of humbles you, doesn't it???
Out of the mouth of babes.
Sister Kelly
I love it--a new vocabulary word--"Grand-turtles". very nice!
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