My new friend over at
passions got me thinking about it…I mentioned it to my son in passing… and look what I got for Father’s Day!
I love it!!
It’s easier to push than my old gas mower, not nearly as noisy (I can get out and mow early without annoying the neighbors), and saves on gasoline, oil, spark plugs, etc.
Add to that the fact that it’s a good workout as I have to (and get to) push it a little faster than the gas mower. I don’t know how it will hold up over time, but for now it rocks!
It does a great job on the grass, but no so much with tall weeds. I’ll have to find another solution to that problem.
I had one of those! But I sold it for an electric, which I later sold for a gas mower. We tend to not mow as much as we should and a reel mower almost had me in tears one 90 degree day when I couldn't get the damn thing to cut anything.Great for a small yard but ours seems to be a bit too big. But good for you! Environmentally friendly and everything! I hope you have great luck with it!
Fancy Schmancy! Looks like you had a great father's day! You deserve it!
Caroline: Thanks for the well wishes. I tend not to mow my yard (notice, I didn't say lawn) as much as I should (or as often as the neighbors would like) so maybe this will give me incentive to do that more often.
Darla: Thanks! And yes, I did have a great day.
Ah man! I'm so jealous!!! :) Happy mowing!
I have an acre and dispise mowing. I was considering 19 acres at one time... (What was I thinking???)
And hello sis Darelina!!!
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