Friday, January 30, 2009

Feeling Froggy

My son has been dissecting earthworms and frogs in his biology class this week. I'm feeling froggy--dissected and laid bare, lately. I've been on a journey of discovering, exposing and healing some not-so-pretty attitudes, habits, assumptions, misconceptions about God and old wounds. The process is neither pretty nor painless.

Along the way have been some amazing encounters with God and discovering who God really is...what He's like... His heart. God is just so good, He really is! He is just so good. Father has been using friends, books, and prayer to stir up so much stuff, so many memories – oh, God, I am such a mess. I have so much "stuff" that I didn't even realize was there. Oh, God, help me!

I had no idea I had so much crap buried in my heart. I want to go deep, but I know it's going to cost me. I know God is real and I just want to know Him so badly. And I want all that He wants for me.

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