I was eating Rice Krispies cereal this morning. "Snap, crackle and pop" when the milk is poured. Puffed rice. Bigger than a regular grain of rice... and hollow. Prideful people are like that, trying to appear bigger than they really are and hollow on the inside. Prideful people are puffed up.
God is love. Love is not proud. God is not prideful. We were not created to worship God. We were created in hopes that we would choose to be in relationship with Him. Worship is the consummation of relationship. Worship is not about a prideful God who made people so they could constantly tell Him how great He is. God is not proud.
God does not need you, or anyone, or anything--He is fully fulfilled within Himself. While God does not need you, He desires you. Your Creator wants you to know His heart and to choose to live your life with Him. God is not proud or selfish, though He is often misrepresented to be both those things. You are the object of His affection.
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