I did it this time last year, and I'll be dog-gone if I didn't do it again. I've been doing a lot of work in the yard this week, trying to tame the suburban jungle that used to be a nicely manicured garden-esque lawn. Somewhere in all the weed-pulling I got hold of some poison ivy. Both forearms are covered from wrist to elbow, it's between my finger, a spot on my neck and cheek... I even have it in places that that only Kim and my doctor get to see and I won't mention here, but you get my drift. I know, TMI. (Don't ask me how...I had on work gloves and washed my hands with hot soapy water right after taking the gloves off.)

I've using (and having success with)
Cortaid Poison Ivy Care Treatment Kit which comes with two little bottles of magic potion. One is a white cream loaded with little granules with which to scrub the effected area. It felt so GOOD to just grind it in, rub really hard, and wash it away with hot water. After patting dry, I then spritzed on a clear
sealant which dries up the ooze and stops the itch... for a little while. I'm still tempted to just rub my arms against my shirt as hard as I can.
While I recommend the product, I do not recommend the experience. This is not my idea of a fun summer vacation. I've got to be more careful in the future. Now at this point I'd usually quote a passage from the Bible and try to draw some spiritual application. I'll "leaf" that to you this time. My only advice is learn what this stuff looks like and stay away from it!
~snort~ Why this makes me laugh is beyond me.
Maybe you can sell tickets to your congregation members to watch you try not to itch your way through church? Ya know sort of a fundraiser event.
Not funny--we've got two morning services with Sunday School squeezed in between--I'm praying I get through it all without having an itch attack...'cause I sure don't need to be scratching where it itches. I think I could get arrested for doing that in public :)
Now THAT is funny. Oh what a morning it will be. Do report in. :D
I feel your pain. Poison ivy = THE WORST.
And I don't care what anyone says, oatmeal baths don't do crap!! Screw you, Aveeno!!!!
LOL Caroline--you crack me up!!
Darla, sorry to disappoint, but it was an itch-free morning. I have some awful poison ivy blisters between my pinky and ring finger on my right hand, the pain of which caused me not to shake hands with too many people.
Ouch! I'm sure your congregation was glad you held back on sharin the "ivy luv". ;)
That stuff is horrible! I'm so highly allergic that a trail of about 3 inches down my arm turned into a full body experience. (Got into my blood stream!) I feel for ya!!!
In Him,
That stuff is horrible! I'm so highly allergic that a trail of about 3 inches down my arm turned into a full body experience. (Got into my blood stream!) I feel for ya!!!
In Him,
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