Monday, August 25, 2008

Caring for Health

One of the most important issues facing Americans is how to access affordable, high-quality health care. Millions of Americans are uninsured or underinsured because of skyrocketing medical costs.

We value healing, not health--in other words we focus more of fixing problems rather than preventing health problems in the first place. Much of what ails us collectively--heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, etc. -- is preventable with proper nutrition and exercise.

The two prominent political party's candidates for President have both proposed partial solutions to the problem, with the biggest obstacle being determining who pays. My point is not to pick a candidate for you, but to encourage you to be informed about the solutions being proposed. Here's a side-by-side comparison of McCain and Obama's healthcare proposals.

For the Obama campaign page on health-care proposal see and click on "Issues" then "Healthcare."

For the McCain campaign page on health-care proposal visit and click "Issues" then "Health Care."

While you're deciding on which plan is best, don't forget to eat right and work toward getting (and staying) physically fit.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

♫ It’s the most wonderful time of the year ♪

I’m not singing about Christmas, or the Staples back to school jingle, but VBS—Vacation Bible School is here! When I reflect on my childhood, the memories of VBS warm my heart and bring a smile to my face: the learning and singing of new songs, playing games and making new friends, the Bible stories and the crafts.

I loved making the crafts and then presenting my handiwork to my mother at the end of the week. But the best memory of all is that I heard about Jesus at VBS and it was "good news" to my ears. That’s where I made the first definitive decision to follow him my whole life with my whole heart.

I’m thinking there might be some new “Jimmys” who will meet Jesus in a life-changing way for the first time at our VBS. I want to be there. I want to play a part in that. I want to meet their parents and grandparents. I want them to know the joy of following the Way of Jesus. I want those who may not have a group of people with whom to share life’s ups and downs to find a place where they are loved and where they matter.

We try to always be mindful of three things—invest, invite and include. Invest your time in building new relationships, invite your new friends to hang out with your church family, and include them in activities that point them to Jesus.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Oops!... I Did it Again!

I did it this time last year, and I'll be dog-gone if I didn't do it again. I've been doing a lot of work in the yard this week, trying to tame the suburban jungle that used to be a nicely manicured garden-esque lawn. Somewhere in all the weed-pulling I got hold of some poison ivy. Both forearms are covered from wrist to elbow, it's between my finger, a spot on my neck and cheek... I even have it in places that that only Kim and my doctor get to see and I won't mention here, but you get my drift. I know, TMI. (Don't ask me how...I had on work gloves and washed my hands with hot soapy water right after taking the gloves off.)

I've using (and having success with) Cortaid Poison Ivy Care Treatment Kit which comes with two little bottles of magic potion. One is a white cream loaded with little granules with which to scrub the effected area. It felt so GOOD to just grind it in, rub really hard, and wash it away with hot water. After patting dry, I then spritzed on a clear sealant which dries up the ooze and stops the itch... for a little while. I'm still tempted to just rub my arms against my shirt as hard as I can.

While I recommend the product, I do not recommend the experience. This is not my idea of a fun summer vacation. I've got to be more careful in the future. Now at this point I'd usually quote a passage from the Bible and try to draw some spiritual application. I'll "leaf" that to you this time. My only advice is learn what this stuff looks like and stay away from it!