Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Learning to Travel Light (part 3 of 3)

I've really been challenged by the book "The Treasure Principle.

Yesterday I mentioned the PBS TV special a while back about America's possession obsession: “Affluenza, the modern-day plague of materialism” which reported that collectively Americans comprise a small percentage of the world's population, but own a disproportionate amount of the world's resources.

If AFFLUENZA (materialism) is a disease, then perhaps giving is the antidote. Gandhi once said, “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” He "preached" and practiced simple living.

In political conversations, we'll often hear talk about "reparations" and "redistribution". When this is forced, it's fuel for bloody revolutions. But when those who have more than enough learn to love love those who don't have enough, a beautiful thing happens. When those with more than enough give to those with too little, two problems are solved. When they don't, two problems are perpetuated.

What if 'abundance' isn't God's provision for us to live in luxury, but his provision to help others live? Just because money comes our way doesn't mean it's suppose to stay with us. What if we're just to be the "delivery man" to get it to person who really needs it?

The challenge: What if I determine a basic level of income sufficient to live simply for the year, and simply give away everything beyond that amount that comes my way?


Darla said...

The challenge: just gave me a WHOLE lot to think about.

Darelina said...

Are you familiar with Rich Mullins, the now deceased, Christian musician? He had his accountant set up a "salary" for him. It was something like $24,000 a year. Then, he gave everything else away. He encouraged alot of others to do the same thing.

The book, "Rich Mullins: An Arrow Pointing to Heaven" by James Bryan Smith talks about his life, taking pieces of his own journal writing to tell about himself. An awesome read, if you get the chance.
