I took it a few times. I'm either a


I think both are accurate descriptions depending on what day of the week it is and what kind of mood I'm in.
Click the link above to take the quiz, then drop a comment here and tell me what the results are and whether or not you agree with them. Have fun!
I love grumpy people.
I didn't know if I could post html in your comments or not, so I'll type my results:
The Horse
Caring, free-spirited, and full of compassion. You are well-loved and for all the right reasons. You enjoy the company of others and try to keep them happy, making you a 1st-class friend. You want a warm place to call home, but you always have the urge to escape.
I'm the wolf and I actually think it's a perfect description, especially the part about often finding myself as a loner but still seeking the comfort of packmates. And definitely strong willed. Oh yes. Definitely.
Cool quiz! Thanks for sharing, Grumpy. :)
I'm a wolf.
Hey dude,
Im a Badger . . . I guess I'm just glad that I'm not a donkey. I don't like that I'm a badger. I especially don't like the part about being found cynical and finding it hard to find pleasure in the simple pleasures in life. I'd like to think that those 2 "bad" traits don't really apply to me, or if they do that they are reversible.
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