We were up earlier than usual to take my Mother-in-law to the airport for a break-of-dawn flight. With coffee in hand and rubbing the sleep from our eyes we saw the "blood moon".
The moon slipped behind the Earth, going into a total eclipse. I understand that lunar eclipses happen fairly regularly, but most are only partial eclipses. The folks from NASA explain that the Earth's shadow is composed of two cone-shaped parts. Within the outer shadow the Earth blocks only some of the sun's rays. Within the inner shadow all direct sunlight is blocked.
"In the case of a total lunar eclipse, the moon will slip into that inner cone. 
Thus, with Earth serving as a celestial umbrella, the moon will be illuminated only by light refracting through our atmosphere. And given that only red light penetrates in that way, the moon should turn dark orange or a bloody red."
Thus, with Earth serving as a celestial umbrella, the moon will be illuminated only by light refracting through our atmosphere. And given that only red light penetrates in that way, the moon should turn dark orange or a bloody red."
The stars around the moon, which are usually hard to see because of the brightness of sunlight reflecting off the lunar surface, shone brightly during the eclipse -- it was beautiful!
As the eclipse ended it appeared as thought the moon had disappeared. Scientists theorize that without the stabilizing influence of the moon, the Earth would spin much faster and wobble dramatically. We'd have four-hour days, huge temperature shifts and near-persistent wind storms with the polar caps growing and receding rapidly. It's amazing how precise everything has to be for life to be maintained on our tiny planet.
The ancients believed that an all-powerful being (God) designed and created the natural order of the universe. Some 3,000 or so years ago, King David of Israel penned these words: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim His handiwork. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge." (Psalms 19:1-2)
I am a modern ancient. I look at the heavens and see intelligence, order, design, precision and don't believe for a moment that it is accidental. I am a modern ancient who believes an Intelligent Designer created it all. "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." (Romans 1:20)
I look at the human body, and again hear the words of King David echo: "For you, O Lord, created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (Psalms 139:13-16)
Some of my readers will no doubt think I'm ignorant or insane. I assure you I am highly educated, though I must admit my sanity is "up for grabs" at times. This morning was a moment of clarity and sanity. It was a time of worship as the heavens declared the glory of the Lord.
~ Father, I blieve that you are, and that you are creative. Help me to increasingly see your fingerprints in the natural order of things. Amen.
I don't think you're ignorant or insane; quite the contrary. :)
Creationism is a tough one for me. I do not believe in 7 days of creation, but do think that God started this whole process. I believe Earth is far older than most evangelicals teach and that creatures do evolve. I don't think we came from apes, but I think we act like them much of the time.
When I see something overwhelmingly beautiful, I pause to thank God for it, because I feel that He created it especially for me to enjoy at that very moment.
I believe that GOD created the world in seven literal 24-hour days.
That's what the Bible says.
I cannot choose to disbelieve some of it because secular humanist scientists are chasing their tails to "fit" the evidences into their narrow theory of origins.
Let's not confuse this issue.
Natural Selection was first a Christian idea and is easily measurable. Molecules-to-man evolution is the foundation of their belief (like the Bible is ours).
InRepair, if you are struggling with this and you want scientific proof that the earth is only 6,000-10,000 years old, it is available to you.
God Bless you and you too, Pastor!
I believe the Creation story is an important beginning to the Bible, as we need to be able to answer the important questions about where we came from. However, I don't believe that everything in the Bible can be taken literally, which is where I will probably lose you in this conversation. When the Bible plainly states later that 1000 years is the same as 1 day, then who's to say it didn't take 6,000 years for God to create everything?
I'll assume you did not mean to be insulting when you said that that's where you'll "lose" me.
Tell me, which parts are allegorical and which parts are literal?
Also, if the literal six days of creation are allegorical, what leads you to that conclusion?
I did not mean that to sound insulting, but I can see how you may have thought that, so I apologize. What I meant was that in most of these type of discussions, those who view the Bible as literal will normally end the argument if I make that statement, because they don't see the point of arguing with someone who doesn't.
I haven't arrived to any conclusion about creation, other than I think the scientific evidence overwhelmingly points to Earth being far older than most creationists believe it is. I believe that science and religion need not always be at odds, so I try to marry the two in my mind.
As far as the Bible goes, I believe it is inspired of God, is a collective history of God's people, and contains an infinite amount of wisdom. I believe the fact that it has been translated time after time and has a myriad of discrepancies and contradictions is enough reason not to believe that it is always to be taken literally.
It is not my intention to convince you to believe anything other than what you already do. The intention of my first comment was simply to share my views on this subject. I am sorry again if I offended you with the statement you mentioned.
Now... I will stop as I don't want to use this nice pastor's blog as a vehicle to post my (apparently) inflammatory opinions. :)
Peace to you and and PJ.
Thanks for validating my intelligence and sanity. As I was writing I had in mind a quote from Richard Dawkins who said, “If you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane.”
I love your line, "I don't think we came from apes, but I think we act like them much of the time." :)
Thanks for the website(very interesting!)and the blessing.
As far as "young earth" vs. "millions of years", in the original language (Hebrew) in which Genesis was written the writer repeatedly uses the word for a literal 24-hour day, that was what he believed and taught.
So when the question shifts from what the writer intended to whether or not one believes he is right, the stakes get raised considerably.
So we have the belief of the writer of Genesis (in 24 hour days), written some 4,000 years ago vs. the beliefs of some 20th and 21st century scientists (slow change over millions of years). Who's right? Either or neither, it can't be both. That's why this debate stirs such passion and sometimes anger, people on both sides see it as a "all or nothing, winner take all" contest for the truth.
Pope Benedict believes God used evolution in the creative process, and that is believed by many (majority? of)Christians. Check out this site:
Some believe that because the Pope is an Evolutionist, by definition that makes him an athiest. Go to:
Okay guys, play nicely. :)
I hope neither one of you stop sharing your opinions here, I love the discussions.
No harm, no faul. I understand you didn't mean it like I apparently "read" it.
I WOULD like to take a minute and assist you with my point-of-view.
"I haven't arrived to any conclusion about creation, other than I think the scientific evidence overwhelmingly points to Earth being far older than most creationists believe it is."
That is a popular viewpoint; however, I haven't seen ANY proof that contradicts the biblical account and in fact, if you will look into it yourself, I am sure you'll see the same.
As this statement seems to indicate you are still searching (I haven't arrived to any conclusion about creation), then please start at Creationwiki.org. It's a great place to find validation that God's word is in fact true in every way.
For instance, Dr. Russel Humphreys correctly predicted the gravity of Neptune and Uranus based on a creation date of 6,000 years ago BEFORE Voyager measured them and confirmed it.
Also, we as Christians should EXPECT the world to disbelieve and have it all wrong.
"He hath made every [thing] beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that NO MAN can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end." Ecclesiastes 3:11
"Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labour to seek [it] out, yet he shall not find [it]; yea further; though a wise [man] think to know [it], yet shall he not be able to find [it]."
Ecclesiastes 8:17
There is far too much material to dig out here, but I encourage you to search it out prayerfully for yourself.
Please consider this: If a literal six days is too much to swallow for us as believers, how can we believe in the resurrection or virgin birth?
We just do.
Don't we?
In Christ,
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