Those have been the highlights of my week--in addition to all the stuff that has to be done in a "normal" week. The week began with funerals on Monday and Tuesday. One gentleman was 79, the other 82 years old. Both were military veterans and had served during World War 2. It was an honor to preside at their "send off".
One fellow had enlisted when was 16, lying about his age so he could go "fight the bad guys". He had served in WW2, Korea and Vietnam. He had received 3 Bronze Stars for heroic actions during combat and a Purple Heart for wounds received in battle. The 21-Gun Salute and playing of Taps sent chills over me--very moving, very sobering.
I think often of the sacrifices being made by families who have a loved-one serving oversees. The unspoken fears, the having to run the household single-handedly, children and spouses who may never see their parents or partners again...
I know it's tough on single parents day-to-day; but military families have the added pressure of having a loved one "in the line of fire". Pause and pray.
So, woke up with a scratchy throat Tuesday, started loading up on vitamin C hoping I would fend off whatever was beginning. Each day got a little worse, then the fever.
I finally got enough free time Friday night to go to the local Doc-in-a-Box: no fever, no strep. I do have some kind of ear and throat infection, but not strep.
Load up on amoxicillin and keep going--a wedding on Saturday and three worship services on Sunday. I love my church family and our times of worshiping together, so hopefully the meds will kick in and I'll be feeling better by tomorrow...